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The High Cost of Stigma: Why Helping Professionals Don’t Seek Help

The High Cost of Stigma: Why Helping Professionals Don’t Seek Help
This September, Americans were hit with disturbing news. Two well-known helping professionals - Gregory Ells, the director of counseling and psychological services at Penn State and Jarrid Wilson, a pastor at Harvest church - each committed suicide, leaving their families and our country grieved and confused and asking why. How did these men who were committed to helping others, who had the tools …
Wrestling with Proverbs 31: The Trusthworthy Wife

Wrestling with Proverbs 31: The Trusthworthy Wife

The Danger of 180-degree/Reactive Parenting

The Danger of 180-degree/Reactive Parenting

How to Keep Anxiety and Control from Eroding Your Faith

How to Keep Anxiety and Control from Eroding Your Faith

Finding Comfort in God's Promises

Finding Comfort in God's Promises

Disconnected: What Jesus (and Luke Perry) Teaches Us about Relationships

Disconnected: What Jesus (and Luke Perry) Teaches Us about Relationships